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Tech memes
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Technology Facts | Tech Memes – 2021


In the last decade, tech memes have become popular all over the world. Today, social media has become the most popular place to share memes with 29% sharing memes on social, 15% sharing them in chat apps, and 31% sharing them in both places, according to our social media behavior survey.

This simply means that meme reaches more people than we can imagine. Hence, they have become an important part of your social media strategy.

In this blog post, we have compiled a list of some of the most amazing tech memes.

Java Java Why Do You Do This?

java java meme

How Many of You Have Kept Your Phone Close Like It’s an Organ to Your Body?

phone meme

How Many Pet Snakes Do You Have in Your System?

chat meme

Do You All Relate to This?

manager meme


Which One Are You Using These Days?


storage meme

Michael Hill

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